Young V&A - Designer-in-Residence

In 2021 Galmstrup Architects was appointed as Designer in Residence exploring informal play at Young V&A. The residency was linked to the transformation of the V&A’s Bethnal Green Museum of Childhood into its new Young V&A form, and focused on the museum’s connection to its urban realm.

Our work developed as a series of hands-on interventions for the museum’s family audience investigating the transition between the street and the gallery through the process of making and play.

The Gallery of Failures – a provocation inspired by the founder Sir Henry Cole very first exhibition suggesting ‘experimental’ art was bad of taste – a controversy of todays “learning by doing”. The Labyrinth Puzzle played with the famous mosaics floor at the heart of the old Museum of Childhood. There were no right or wrongs, just a playful way getting from A to B.

The Interruption - a three dimensional interpretation of the mosaic floor. The structure is made of modular tubes which can be assembled in various formation and act as an outdoor shelter. The idea were for the structure to travel with the V&A’s learning team during the Museum of Childhood’s temporary restoration closure allowing outdoor pop-up workshops.

The Trapped Daylight - a photo series and manifest to document the museum’s potential of interacting and making meaningful usage of the next door Museum Garden while promoting outdoor play.